09a Asset Protection


Asset Protection

Asset Protection is a broad term for legal pathways,  which allow you to protect your assets from being accessed by third parties. The globalised world poses many threats to your acquired assets. Entrepreneurial liability, “surprising” court decisions, divorces, inheritance and other all too common occurrences can take huge bites out of your assets in the blink of an eye. Don’t let it happen to you! Read all about Asset Protection right here.

Protecting your Assets: Legally and Effectively

Offshore Asset Protection is the ideal method to legally and effectively protect your assets, keeping them far out of reach from unwanted third parties.

The first and most important step in protecting your assets, is to move them abroad. The structures in Europe, both on a national and international level, are set-up in such a way that they do not allow for the necessary level of privacy to protect your assets effectively. Your assets are too easily sought out by creditors and thus remain vulnerable.

But you can escape this risk by transferring your assets to a jurisdiction which has well-developed advantageous asset protection laws.

The countries which we recommend for asset protection all have one thing in common: none of them are party to agreements which automatically render foreign court decisions effective domestically. Even if foreign creditors did wish to have the court decision enforced in the target country, such an attempt would come with substantial time and financial investments, as well as countless legal obstacles. In most cases, the associated hassle is more than enough to ward off creditors.

An Example of Successful Asset Protection

In a legal dispute in Europe judgment falls in favour of your opponent. This could now have catastrophic consequences for your assets. While you are still busy investing even more time and money in the appeals process, your opponent is taking measures to secure his claims.

It turns out, however, that you have already transferred a substantial part of your assets to a country which does not enforce judgments of foreign courts: your assets are protected. Your opponent might have “won” in the legal proceedings, but it is a Phyrric victory, because in order to have the judgment enforce he will likely have to spend more money and time than what is feasible.

A Decision based on Information

If you do decide to keep your assets at home, you should be aware that this exposes your hard-earned wealth to high risk.

On the other hand, the question must be asked how safe your assets will really be in a foreign jurisdiction. Especially in one where you neither live nor are familiar with the legal system.

We are happy to answer all of these questions for you and can show you the best ways in which to protect your assets, ways which have been tested and tried over many years and have been approved by us.